john mayer - philadelphia,pa
Last night we saw John Mayer at the Wachovia in Philly. It was an amazing show. John is such a talented musician. He writes insightful lyrics and is a master on the guitar.
A young boy (maybe 10 years old) was in the front row of the concert. He held up a sign that said "Can I play guitar with you on BELIEF?" . John called him up on the stage and the kid s-h-o -n-e. At the end of the song, John unplugged the guitar and said "this is yours."
A young boy (maybe 10 years old) was in the front row of the concert. He held up a sign that said "Can I play guitar with you on BELIEF?" . John called him up on the stage and the kid s-h-o -n-e. At the end of the song, John unplugged the guitar and said "this is yours."
Someone - not me- captured this and put it up on YouTUBE